News from Saint Mary of the Isle Douglas, Saint Anthony's Onchan and Saint Joseph's Willaston.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Lourdes Applications
Application process for the Lourdes Youth Pilgrimage next year if now closed.
Thank you.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
KSC Christmas Fayre
This Sunday
2nd December at the Columba Catholic Club from 2.00 until 4.00 pm.
Come along and enjoy all the fun of the Fayre whilst giving your support to the
stalls held by Saint John Ambulance, Catholic Women’s League, FairTrade,
Naseems’ Manx Brain Tumour Charity, The Over Sixties and R.A.O.B.
£1.00 which includes seasonal refreshments.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Sunday of the Child Jesus
On the weekend of 22nd/23rd December (4th Sunday of advent) we invite you to bring the statue of the Christ Child from your nativity Scene along to Mass and these will be blessed in preparation for the Feast of Christmas. This custom is known in Italy as ‘Domenica del’Bambino‘ – Sunday of the Child Jesus.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Bingo Night and supper at the Kursaal at the Palace Hotel,
Bingo Night and supper at the Kursaal at the Palace Hotel, Douglas on Tuesday, 4th December. Tickets are £20— includes supper and 10 games of Bingo! For tickets, please contact: Annette (457826), Michelle (624741) or Sheila (475990). Raffle prizes gratefully received.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
A festival of Cribs....
will be held at Saint Mary of the Isle, Douglas on Saturday, 15th December, 9.00am – 6.00pm. Come along to get some ideas of the variety of crib and manger scenes from different parts of the world. Tea, coffee and cakes available throughout the day, together with some Christmas cards and gifts from the Holy Land.
No entrance fee... just a voluntary collection which will be sent to the Christians of the Holy Land via the Friends of the Holy Land (FHL).
Pope’s Prayer Intentions
We can join Pope Benedict in his prayer intentions for November:
General Intention: Ministers of the Gospel. That bishops, priests, and all ministers of the Gospel may bear the courageous witness of fidelity to the cruci fied and risen Lord.
Missionary Intention: Pilgrim Church. That the pilgrim Church on earth may shine as a light to the nations.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Send a Cow...
Each year Send a Cow Charity help thousands of African families grow enough food to eat, sell their produce and develop small businesses that last.
This Christmas, choose a Send a Cow gift – the original and best. Your charity gift will make a lasting difference to a family in Africa and keep on giving as calves, seeds and training are passed on to neighbours in need.
For full details please visit their website Thank you.
At the end of this month (24th November) the Archdiocese is holding its Assembly which takes as the theme ‘ Keeping Holy the Lord’s Day’. If there are any further comments you would wish to be sent in for this consultation, please let us have them asap (they can be e-mailed to or in written form, handed in at the Presbytery). Thank you
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Pious Lists
November is the Month of the Holy Souls when we pray particularly for those who have, ‘gone before us marked with the Sign of Faith’. If you wish to remember your loved ones, families and friends at the November Masses then please place their names in the envelopes which you will find at the back of the churches. One Mass each day in November will be offered for our November Dead List - sometimes known as the ‘Pious List’.
Any donations you include in the envelopes will be used as stipends for the Masses and will also enable us throughout the Year to have Masses celebrated for the Holy Souls. During November, the public recitation of the Rosary will continue at 11.45am in Saint Mary’s Douglas.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Island Spirituality Network
A series of evening talks which will be delivered at The Nunnery in Douglas. This is under the auspices of The Isle of Man College but anyone is welcome to attend – not just students at the College! In order to sign up for one – or all – of the sessions please print off, complete and sign this application form, ( – then send to IoM College, Homefield Road, Douglas, IM2 6RB. Any enquiries ring Clair at IoM College on 648204. All the ISN sessions are free.
Michael Hoy MBE
Canon Philip Gillespie
Rev Peter Robinson
Cheryl and Brian Cousins
Full descriptions of the five sessions – together with the course codes which are required for the application form:
14 Nov: 'The Story of Christianity in Mann'
Course Code: EX021-AWMichael Hoy MBE
21 Nov: 'A light for our steps'
Course Code: EX022-AWCanon Philip Gillespie
28 Nov: 'What is Prayer?'
Course Code: EX023-AWRev Peter Robinson
5 Dec: 'Seeking Stillness'
Course Code: EX024-AWCheryl and Brian Cousins
Holy Land Pilgrimage
The Catholic Pictorial, the magazine of the Archdiocese, is organising an 8 day pilgrimage to the Holy Land, 11th to 19th February 2013. The cost will be £1,150 and the flight departs from Manchester.
For further information please contact Kim or Fiona on 0151 709 7657.
S.V.P. Christmas Party
The annual SVP Christmas Party for Parishioners will be held on Saturday 8th December from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm in St.Peter’s Church Hall , Royal Avenue Onchan.
Tickets available from next week from members of SVP. Santa has been booked. Ages and numbers of boys/girls coming please to SVP members to ensure Santa brings enough presents.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
With Your Always Update
The next sessions are this coming Monday (12th) at Onchan 6.30 – 7.30pm and again Douglas (in Saint Mary’s School) 6.30 – 7.30pm. Following the principles of Family Catechesis, the sessions will be for the children and their parents.
We have received some questions regarding the timing and dates of the Masses at which the children will receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. As in year past there will be choice of two masses
7.00 pm on Friday 10th May at Saint Anthony in Onchan
1.00 pm on Saturday 11th May at Saint Mary of the Isle, Douglas.
As regards what the children will wear for these Masses, the Catechists and Priests suggest that we go for something which is relatively simple and yet dignified;
For the girls: a simple white dress, the sort that can be worn again in other circumstances and which avoids ostentation.
For the boys: school trousers, white shirt and red tie.
Remembrance Sunday
Today is remembrance Sunday, when we recall with gratitude and respect those who have been affected by warfare or conflict while wearing the uniform of our armed services, and particularly those who have given their lives in the Service of their Country.
We commend to Your care all those in our world
Who suffer through war, conflict and injustice;
The injured, bereaved, dispossessed, brutalised and despairing
Those whose scars are visible,
And those whose scars are hidden deep inside
Those whose pain lies embedded in longstanding memories
And those whose wounds are recent and acute
Through service in our armed forces
Through the sometimes dangerous task
Of providing protection to life and property
And upholding the rule of law.
And through being the innocent victim
Of acts of atrocity and terror
We pray for all who mourn loss and live with pain
Those who continue to struggle against adversity
Who are plagued with trauma
Who are troubled by regret.
Grant Your healing and strength
Your care and consolation
And be with all those who offer support and care
Who work to rebuild what is broken
To heal all that is wounded
Through Jesus Christ our Lord
There will be short services at the Cenotaphs in Douglas and in Onchan at 11.00am today (Sunday) and the National Act of Remembrance will be held at St. John’s at 3.00pm
A Prayer for those who suffer and those who care for them
God of love and compassionWe commend to Your care all those in our world
Who suffer through war, conflict and injustice;
The injured, bereaved, dispossessed, brutalised and despairing
Those whose scars are visible,
And those whose scars are hidden deep inside
Those whose pain lies embedded in longstanding memories
And those whose wounds are recent and acute
And as we honour those who have served in conflicts past
We also remember those who have been killed, bereaved and wounded
In more recent and ongoing situations;Through service in our armed forces
Through the sometimes dangerous task
Of providing protection to life and property
And upholding the rule of law.
And through being the innocent victim
Of acts of atrocity and terror
We pray for all who mourn loss and live with pain
Those who continue to struggle against adversity
Who are plagued with trauma
Who are troubled by regret.
Grant Your healing and strength
Your care and consolation
And be with all those who offer support and care
Who work to rebuild what is broken
To heal all that is wounded
Through Jesus Christ our Lord
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Before Mass....
Please be mindful of those who have arrived early for Mass in order to pray privately by keeping conversations to a minimum and maintaining, as best possible, a respectful silence. Thank you.
Lourdes Youth
A meeting for the young people who are hoping to travel to Lourdes next year on the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage – Grotto Hall Onchan Today (Sunday) at 5.00pm
Application Forms for the Lourdes Pilgrimage (25th July to 2nd August) 2013 are now available on-line at or from Mrs Sheila Scott on 475990.
Places are limited, so first come first served! The lower age-limit is 15 years old. Completed forms should be returned to the Presbytery at Saint Mary’s marked “Lourdes 2013” together with a deposit of £100.
Lamp Letter and Collection
This weekend we hear a Pastoral letter from the Archbishop concerning the Liverpool Archdiocesan Missionary Project (LAMP for short) which was established under Archbishop Derek Worlock to provide for some of our Priests to serve for a period of time in Latin America. There will be a retiring Collection at all Masses in support of LAMP.
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Thank you
Thanks to those (albeit few in number!) who were able to come along to our Harvest Festival at the end of October. The foodstuffs which were donated via Saint Mary’s School and from Parishioners on that afternoon have been distributed via the SVP and the Salvation Army to those in need at this time.
Monday, November 05, 2012
With You Always Catechists
Our next meeting will be at Saint Mary’s Church on Wednesday 7th November, at 7.00pm
Saturday, November 03, 2012
Understanding the Vatican Council
Canon Philip will lead five sessions over the next months looking at the Second Vatican Council and also examining four of the major documents (‘Constitutions’) which were published by the Council. Although they are 50 years old, they still have a freshness today and can help us better understand and live our Faith. All are welcome to come along to these talks which will be on Friday evenings at 8.00 pm at Grotto Hall at Saint Anthony, Onchan.
Friday 30th November: Introducing the Second Vatican Council
Friday 11th January 2013: Sacrosanctum Concilium—the document on the Liturgy.
Friday 25th January: Dei Verbum - the document on the Word of God.
Friday 8th February: Lumen Gentium—the document on The Church.
Friday 22nd February: Gaudium et Spes—the document on the Church in the modern world.
All are welcome. Tea and biscuits served!
Friday, November 02, 2012
With you always
November sessions are held on Monday 12th at Onchan and Wednesday 14th at Saint Mary’s School, Douglas both evenings from 6.30 until 7.30 pm.
Meanwhile, families are asked to continue the theme of the last session which was ‘Making the Sign of the Cross’ – as a family make a particular point of making the sign of the cross when the family prays together (ie at the grace before and after meals) and indeed when your child goes to bed at night, make the sign of the cross on his/her forehead. In this way they become more familiar with this most fundamental part of our praying lives.
It has become clear that there are still children who, having already made their First Holy Communion, did not for various reasons receive the Sacrament of Confirmation last year. As the materials provided for us by the Archdiocese in the ‘With You Always’ Programme are intended for children of 8 years of age and who are to receive both Confirmation and Holy Communion. It does not seem fair to expect these older children to join in with the younger. Therefore there will be separate sessions later in the year/early next year, for any child over eight years who is still to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Further details will be posted here in the Parish Bulletin. However the principles of ‘Family catechesis‘ will apply – ie it will not just be the young people invited to share these sessions, but mums, dads, grandparents as well.
Oxfam Shop
Helpers needed for OXFAM shop at 10 Castle Street, Douglas. For information please contact Maria Knake on 677220 or 317265
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Island Spirituality Network
A series of evening talks which will be delivered at The Nunnery in Douglas. This is under the auspices of The Isle of Man College but anyone is welcome to attend – not just students at the College! In order to sign up for one – or all – of the sessions please print off, complete and sign this application form, ( – then send to IoM College, Homefield Road, Douglas, IM2 6RB. Any enquiries ring Clair at IoM College on 648204. All the ISN sessions are free.
Full descriptions of the five sessions – together with the course codes which are required for the application form:
7 Nov: 'Celtic DNA: Exploring Early Celtic Christian Spirituality'
Course Code: EX020-AW
Rev Dr Dee Dee Haines
14 Nov: 'The Story of Christianity in Mann'
Course Code: EX021-AW
Michael Hoy MBE
21 Nov: 'A light for our steps'
Course Code: EX022-AW
Canon Philip Gillespie
28 Nov: 'What is Prayer?'
Course Code: EX023-AW
Rev Peter Robinson
5 Dec: 'Seeking Stillness'
Course Code: EX024-AW
Cheryl and Brian Cousins
This Month’s Liturgy: November 2012
To know Him, love Him and serve Him in this life, and be happy with Him for ever in the next…
The Liturgy of this month of November opens with the Solemnity of All Saints and its proud announcement that those who have sought to follow the Lord in this life find perfection and happiness in the presence of the Blessed Trinity, the fullness of the life of the heavenly Kingdom. For the Saints are ‘that great cloud of witnesses which spurs us on to victory’ (Preface of Holy Men and Women) and we can be assured of their brotherly and sisterly care and concern for us, the fellowship of their faith and the strengthening of their prayers.
The Liturgy of this month of November opens with the Solemnity of All Saints and its proud announcement that those who have sought to follow the Lord in this life find perfection and happiness in the presence of the Blessed Trinity, the fullness of the life of the heavenly Kingdom. For the Saints are ‘that great cloud of witnesses which spurs us on to victory’ (Preface of Holy Men and Women) and we can be assured of their brotherly and sisterly care and concern for us, the fellowship of their faith and the strengthening of their prayers.
Only once we have our eyes fixed firmly on that goal of union with God - both in this life and in the world to come, can we keep the Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed, those who still journey to that fullness of life, who by our prayers are supported on that road to God. As John Henry Newman puts it in his Poem, The Dream of Gerontius,
‘and Masses on the earth and prayers in heaven, shall aid thee at the Throne of the most Highest.’
This is our hope and our loving certainty as we remember those who ‘have gone before us marked with the sign of Faith’ – that the communion of the Church means that in the love of the Father and by the working of the Holy Spirit we are still ‘one body, one spirit in Christ’ (Eucharistic Prayer 3).
Further in the month, on the 11th November, we keep the memory of one of the great non-Martyr Saints of the early centuries of the Church’s life, Saint Martin of Tours (316-397) – who even at the age of 81 was thinking not of his own comfort or needs but that of his people and his community – ‘Lord, if I am still needed by your people, I refuse no work…’.
Please God we may have that same dedication to the work of the Church – at any age!
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