Canon Philip will lead five sessions over the next months looking at the Second Vatican Council and also examining four of the major documents (‘Constitutions’) which were published by the Council. Although they are 50 years old, they still have a freshness today and can help us better understand and live our Faith. All are welcome to come along to these talks which will be on Friday evenings at 8.00 pm at Grotto Hall at Saint Anthony, Onchan.
Friday 30th November: Introducing the Second Vatican Council
Friday 11th January 2013: Sacrosanctum Concilium—the document on the Liturgy.
Friday 25th January: Dei Verbum - the document on the Word of God.
Friday 8th February: Lumen Gentium—the document on The Church.
Friday 22nd February: Gaudium et Spes—the document on the Church in the modern world.
All are welcome. Tea and biscuits served!