There will be short services at the Cenotaphs in Douglas and in Onchan at 11.00am today (Sunday) and the National Act of Remembrance will be held at St. John’s at 3.00pm
A Prayer for those who suffer and those who care for them
God of love and compassionWe commend to Your care all those in our world
Who suffer through war, conflict and injustice;
The injured, bereaved, dispossessed, brutalised and despairing
Those whose scars are visible,
And those whose scars are hidden deep inside
Those whose pain lies embedded in longstanding memories
And those whose wounds are recent and acute
And as we honour those who have served in conflicts past
We also remember those who have been killed, bereaved and wounded
In more recent and ongoing situations;Through service in our armed forces
Through the sometimes dangerous task
Of providing protection to life and property
And upholding the rule of law.
And through being the innocent victim
Of acts of atrocity and terror
We pray for all who mourn loss and live with pain
Those who continue to struggle against adversity
Who are plagued with trauma
Who are troubled by regret.
Grant Your healing and strength
Your care and consolation
And be with all those who offer support and care
Who work to rebuild what is broken
To heal all that is wounded
Through Jesus Christ our Lord