Sunday, November 11, 2012

With Your Always Update

The next sessions are this coming Monday (12th) at Onchan 6.30 – 7.30pm and again Douglas (in Saint Mary’s School) 6.30 – 7.30pm. Following the principles of Family Catechesis, the sessions will be for the children and their parents.

We have received some questions regarding the timing and dates of the Masses at which the children will receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. As in year past there will be choice of two masses

7.00 pm on Friday 10th May at Saint Anthony in Onchan
1.00 pm on Saturday 11th May at Saint Mary of the Isle, Douglas.

As regards what the children will wear for these Masses, the Catechists and Priests suggest that we go for something which is relatively simple and yet dignified;

For the girls: a simple white dress, the sort that can be worn again in other circumstances and which avoids ostentation.

For the boys: school trousers, white shirt and red tie.