Thursday, July 05, 2012

Prayer for our country

According to 1 Timothy 2:1-4, the Bible says we should pray for those in Authority that we might live peacefully. The two go together. Without the power of prayer, the nation will not know true peace. As we come to the end of this Manx National Week, we pray for ourselves and for all who are called to lead us in local and civil government.

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we praise you holy Name for our Island heritage and we beseech you with your mercy to behold all who dwell here. May your blessing rest upon all the labours of our minds and hands.

Keep we pray in your almighty care all who go down to the sea in ships and all who travel by land and air. Help us to order with grace and dignity our common life in town and sheading that we may live and our children grow in health and godliness.

May your grace be with all who visit our shores that they may find re-creation of body and soul and with us glorify you, the giver of all good things, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.