Saturday, July 07, 2012

Keeping Sunday: A Consultation

“It was the Lord’s Day”
Rev 1:10

In recent years I have been increasingly aware of the ways that the pressures of modern life have eroded the way we keep Sunday, the Lord’s Day, as a special day. Our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters often give us a strong example of a day in the week set aside for prayer, gratitude and re-creation; a day that is different. This year we will introduce “With You Always” to help families in the task of passing on their faith to their children. Living well “The Lord’s Day” is an important part of this faith.

I have asked the Diocesan Assembly this year to reflect on how we, as a Catholic community, are living the commandment to “remember the Sabbath and keep it holy”. Each Pastoral will be invited to send five delegates to this Assembly.

As part of our preparation this leaflet* invites you, individually and/or in groups, to reflect on some of the questions that I am asking at this time. Listening to your thoughts and comments will form the first part of our Assembly on Saturday 24th November.

+ Patrick

A leaflet has been prepared for you to take home and is available at the back of church. The main questions are as follows:

Question 1:
How has Sunday changed for you over the years?
What have we gained and what have we lost?
In what ways do you keep Sunday a special day in the week?

Question 2:
Why do you attend Mass on Sunday?
How does it help you?
What positive changes have you noticed in the Church in recent years?
Do you think the introduction of a Vigil Mass on Saturday night has changed the nature of Sunday for many people?

Question 3:
How can we attract more people to join us in worship on Sunday?
How can we reach out to Catholics of all ages, teenagers, young families, older people, who no longer worship with us?

We want the know what you think
You can e-mail your comment to or write to “Sunday”, Pastoral Formation Dept, Centre for Evangelization, Croxteth Drive, Sefton Park, Liverpool L17 1AA.