Saturday, July 21, 2012

Parish Visitation – September

At the end of September we welcome Bishop Tom Williams who will be making our five-yearly Parish Visitations. Each parish in the Archdiocese is visited by one of the Bishops at least every five years; this is one way in which we strengthen the bonds of care which the Bishops have for each Community that forms part of the Archdiocese.

As part of our preparation for this Visitation, we would ask all Ministers of Holy Communion (‘Eucharistic Ministers’) to provide us with an up-to-date list of those people to whom you take Holy Communion on a regular basis. Please inform us of their name, their address and the frequency with which you take them The Sacrament.

This will not only allow us to make a proper list of our housebound and sick, but may also highlight any duplication (or omissions!) in our Pastoral Care.

Please send your list to the Parish Office at Saint Mary’s, Douglas. Thank you.