Monday, June 25, 2012


This coming Friday is the Feast of Saint Peter and Paul (29th June) and is a Holy Day of Obligation – one of the few present ones which are not transferred to the nearest Sunday!
Masses will be: 6.30 pm Thursday Evening (28th June) at Saint Joseph Willaston
9.15 am at Saint Mary’s School
12.10 pm at Saint Mary’s Church
7.00 pm at Saint Anthony, Onchan.

At each Mass there will be a collection for Peter’s Pence, the annual donation from churches throughout the world, and from all people of goodwill, as a source of support for the Apostolic See. This is in harmony with a tradition dating back to the Gospel (cf. Lk 10:7) and the teaching of the Apostles (cf. 1 Cor 11:14)"

"‘Peter’s Pence’ is the most characteristic expression of the participation of all the faithful in the Bishop of Rome’s charitable initiatives in favour of the universal Church. The gesture has not only a practical value, but also a strong symbolic one, as a sign of communion with the Pope and attention to the needs of one’s brothers and sisters throughout the world."
Pope Benedict