Today we
begin a new Liturgical Year with the First Sunday of the Advent Season. In the season of Advent we wear the
Liturgical Colour purple which is a regal colour but also a colour of
expectation. The Gloria is omitted from the Sunday Masses – so that its
reappearance at Christmas makes all the more impact! The Alleluia is still
sung, because Advent is not a Penitential season in the same was as Lent.
many of us associate with Advent is the Wreath and the lighting of the Candles
week by week. While this is not actually foreseen as part of the Liturgies of
Advent, it is very much part of our preparation as we listen to the readings of
the Sundays of Advent as they develop our sense of expectation and fulfilment
of God’s loving plan in the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.