Christian Aid Week starts today. Here on the Island Christian Aid are aiming to raise £40,000 and it is hoped that the IOM Government will match this amount. The money raised will go to a project in Burundi. Events during the week include:
Sunday, 10th May at 6.30 pm: United Christian Aid service at Trinity Methodist Church. Speakers: Rev Dee Dee Haines and Rosario Advirta (CA Angola Programme Officer).
Tuesday 12th May from 10.00 am to noon: Coffee morning at Port Erin Methodist hall.
Wednesday, 13th from 3.00 to 5.00pm: Fair-trade cakes and yummies at The Well, Broadway, Douglas
Wednesday, 13th at 7.30pm: ‘Quizaid’ at Corrin Hall, Peel. Teams welcome – contact Pauline Davenport 842507.
Friday, 22nd at 7.30pm: ‘Quizaid’ at St Andrews, Douglas. Teams (of 4/6) welcome – contact Joyce Gaskell 813824.