Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Mass Intentions

Mass is always offered for the Glory of God and for the good of all his people, living and dead. The custom of making an offering for the Mass – originally the bread and wine used at the Mass and sufficient to maintain the Priest for the day on which the Mass was Offered, is a praiseworthy means of bringing a particular Intention before the prayer of the whole Community. These are the particular Intentions which are listed in the weekly Bulletin alongside the times of the daily Masses.

When a request is made for Mass to be Offered on a particular day or in one particular church we always do the best we can to respect the request; however there are times when the requested time has already been ‘booked’ -  or indeed there is not Mass on that particular Day in the church requested.

When you fill in a ‘Mass Intention’ Envelope, please include your telephone number so that we can contact you if your original request cannot be fulfilled.

Thank you.