Sunday, May 13, 2012

Freedom to Flourish

"Why did God make me? To know him, love him and serve him in this world and to be happy with him forever in the next."

Those of us of a ‘certain age’ will recognise this as the second question in the old (‘penny’) Catechism. Well, ways of teaching and handing on the faith may have changed over the years, but it would be hard to find a better definition or description of our ultimate purpose and dignity in life – to Know, to Love and to Serve could well be a good place to start our prayer each and every day, or indeed at the end of the day to use these ‘ three legs’ as an examination of our conscience, an ‘look back’ at the day which has passed just to see what lessons we can learn – and what thanksgivings we need to make!


- how will I grow in knowledge of God and of the Church of which I form a part,

- how will I grow in Love of God and of the community in whose life I share through prayer and Sacraments,

- how will I grow in Service of the family, parish and wider society – giving witness to what was said in the second reading at Mass last Sunday ‘our love is not to be words or mere talk but something real and active’?