Sunday, May 03, 2009

A new, weekly, Scripture and Prayer resource for the 21st Century Church

I am writing to tell you about The Wednesday Word. This is a national prayer mission which I am asking you to support. The mission links parishes and schools throughout the country through regular weekly prayer.

Each week the Parish Version of The Wednesday Word will be made available for parishioners to take home with your newsletter. Please do consider starting to pray the Parish Version of The Wednesday Word in spiritual solidarity with many parishioners throughout the British Isles.

And please particularly remember the non-practising families throughout the schools in our countries – that they be touched by the Gospel they read in the Primary School Version of The Wednesday Word and that their faith may be deepened and their lives in Christ flourish.

The Wednesday Word Mission is dedicated to St Joseph, Patron saint of Families and Protector of the Church. In the tradition of the Catholic Church each Wednesday is dedicated to him.

Lord, we ask you to bless our parishes and the many families in our Catholic schools.
Open our eyes to see your glory; open our ears to hear your call; open our lips to sing your praise; guide us on our journey of faith.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
St Joseph, pray for us.
Our Lady, Star of evangelisation, pray for us.

Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB
contributor to The Wednesday Word